• March In March 2025 Themes

    - Preserve education funding and prioritize comprehensive student support services.

  • - Uphold respect and dignity in higher education.

  • - Ensure fair compensation and equitable working conditions for all campus employees.

  • - Advocate for livable wages and secure employment to safeguard the future of higher education and California's workforce.

Why We March

In 2025, California’s higher education system—its students, faculty, and staff—face unprecedented challenges stemming from decades of disinvestment in higher education and the Trump Administration’s anti-education agenda .

At risk are the fundamental rights of students to pursue an affordable education free from threats of deportation or attacks on their personal identities, as well as the ability of faculty to exercise their right to academic freedom.

In the wealthiest state in the wealthiest country in the world, record numbers of higher education students experience food and housing insecurity. Meanwhile, over two-thirds of California’s higher education faculty work as contingent or gig laborers, often grappling with food or housing insecurity and resorting to public assistance. Similarly, wages and working conditions for higher education staff have led to widespread dissatisfaction and an increasing exodus of workers, exacerbating staff shortages.

This trajectory does not build the future or fulfill the promise California deserves. We march to demand full-funding of education and to call for protections for everyone, especially the most vulnerable, including immigrants, DACA, and LGBTQ+ students, and women’s rights. We also demand the preservation of the humanities, ethnic studies, social studies, and the right of faculty in all disciplines to teach their curriculum as they see fit.

We march for dignity and respect for all members of the higher education community. California must expand the College Promise program to ensure access for its most underserved students and provide the wraparound services essential for their success. This cannot happen without securing tenure rights and improving working conditions and job security for all faculty and staff.

For these reasons, we march to protect students, safeguard education, and secure California’s future.

Date: Tuesday, March 4th, 2025

Location: Sacramento Capitol, California


COALITION: College | University | Local | Community Organization

For any questions or inquiries about the march, please contact your Guild Coordinator or Juan Carlos Vasquez at jvasquez@aft1521.org.

Tentative Itinerary for the Day

11AM - 2PM Southside Park, Sacramento, CA: This is the main meet up spot and where participants will gather. We anticipate signs, flyers, shirts etc. to be available.

2PM Gather to begin march toward the California State Capitol.

3PM - 4:30PM Arrive at the California State Capitol and kick off a spirited rally on the West Lawn featuring a lineup of inspiring speakers.

4:30PM - 5PM Participants begin to depart.

Gathering Location

NOTE: By the corner of 6th St and T st.

March Route

Rally Location

Need Public Transportation?

March Sponsors

How You Can Support:

Dear Union and Community Leaders :

On Tuesday, March 4th, a coalition of faculty and student unions and organizations will march to the Capitol in Sacramento to bring attention to issues facing students and public higher education in California. This march and rally is a revival of the annual March in March events held before the COVID-19 pandemic! We are organizing buses to Sacramento from various locations throughout the state and want to bring this event back as an annual event focusing on higher education in California.

We want to invite you and your organization to join us as a sponsor of this event. As a sponsor, you will receive recognition at the event and in the advertising in advance of the event on social media platforms and event fliers.

The suggested sponsorship levels are as follows: Local Unions or Community Groups:

  • Under500members: $500

  • 500-1,000 members: $500- $1,000

  • 1,000- 1,500 members: $1,000- $1,500

  • Above 1,500: $2,000

  • Statewide Organizations: $5,000

  • Elected Officials: $500

    Recognition will be given for donations below the full sponsorship levels.

    Checks can be made payable to:

    Peralta Federation of Teachers (with March in March in the Memo line)

    201 13th Street P.O. Box #30653 Oakland, CA 94604

    For more information, please contact Juan Carlos Vasquez, at AFT 1521: jvasquez@aft1521.org

    We look forward to working with you on this important event.

    In Solidarity,

    March In March Coalition

March In March 2014

We are moving in exactly the wrong direction in higher education. Forty years ago, tuition in some of the great American public universities and colleges was virtually free. Today, the cost is unaffordable for many working class families. Higher education must be a right for all - not just wealthy families.

— Sen. Bernie Sanders